Welcome to Centralia School District's Online Payment Portal
Parents of Centralia School District Students:
1st time user?
Login using your Skyward username and set a password - this can be the same password that you use in Skyward if you want.
Username: Your Skyward Family Access username
Password: Set your password
It may take up to 24 hours after creating your Skyward account before being able to log in.
Returning Users:
Username: Your Skyward Family Access username
Password: Password created during first visit
If you need to reset your password, please CLICK HERE to have a password reset email sent to your email address on file.
* You MUST have a Skyward Family Access account in order to use the online payments portal.
Non-parent community members wishing to sign-up to buy district items may SIGN-UP HERE.
(Please note that by signing in as a guest, your purchases will not be connected to any student account)
We Accept: